Universal Representation Project

There is no right to a public defender for immigrants facing deportation, even if the person in immigration proceedings is a child, is detained, or is a long-time U.S. community member. As a result, the vast majority of people facing deportation do so alone, without a lawyer.

RMIAN seeks to correct this injustice and keep Colorado families together by advocating for universal representation to ensure fundamental fairness and due process are upheld in immigration proceedings. In particular, we:

For further information on RMIAN’s universal representation efforts, please see:

Once detained in ICE [custody]… days passed and I was confused. In reality, I [had] no idea how to face the proceedings, like many of the detainees that are here in the detention center… [My lawyer] not only allowed for me to retain my status as a permanent resident, but I can be together with my son and family.
— RMIAN client and long-time Denver resident represented through the Denver Immigrant Legal Services Fund